Aug 2024

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Strategies for Properties in Tulum

Tulum, a vibrant coastal town on Mexico’s Riviera Maya, has become a hotspot for real estate investment. With its breathtaking beaches, rich cultural heritage, and growing tourism, it’s no surprise that many investors are considering the potential of investing in Tulum real estate. However, one critical question remains: What rental strategy should you choose to maximize your rental income? Should you opt for short-term rentals catering to tourists, or go for long-term rentals targeting digital nomads and expatriates? This guide will explore the benefits and challenges of both strategies, helping you decide which rental strategy is best for properties in Tulum.

Understanding Short-Term Rentals in Tulum

Short-term rentals, commonly listed on platforms like Airbnb or, are properties rented out for short durations - typically days or weeks. In Tulum, short-term rentals have gained immense popularity, driven by the town's steady influx of tourists. These rentals often cater to vacationers, offering a unique experience that combines comfort and authenticity.

Benefits of Short-Term Rentals

  1. Higher nightly rates: One of the most significant advantages of short-term rentals in Tulum is the potential for higher nightly rates compared to long-term leases. With millions of tourists flocking to Tulum every year, owners can capitalize on peak seasons to maximize their earnings.
  2. Flexibility for personal use: If you plan to use your property occasionally, a short-term rental strategy offers flexibility. You can block out dates for personal use while renting it out the rest of the time to generate income.
  3. Attracting tourists and travelers: Tulum’s reputation as a bohemian paradise with beautiful beaches attracts tourists seeking unique experiences. By marketing properties in Tulum as an authentic and local experience, you can attract a steady stream of short-term renters.
Infinity pool feature at 525 Tulum boosting the rental income of properties in Tulum

Challenges of Short-Term Rentals

  1. High turnover and management costs: Managing short-term rentals can be demanding, with frequent guest check-ins, cleanings, and maintenance. You may need to hire a property manager or dedicate significant time to oversee these operations.
  2. Seasonal fluctuations in demand: Tulum’s tourism is highly seasonal, with peak periods in winter and early spring. During the off-season, occupancy rates may drop, affecting overall income potential.

Long-Term Rental Strategies in Tulum

Long-term rentals, typically leased for months or even years, offer a more stable and predictable income stream. They are ideal for investors looking to minimize their management efforts while securing a steady cash flow.

Benefits of Long-Term Rentals

  1. Stable and predictable Income: Long-term rentals provide a consistent rental income, regardless of seasonal tourism fluctuations. This stability is appealing for those who prefer a more predictable cash flow from their properties in Tulum.
  2. Lower management effort and costs: With long-term leases, the need for frequent cleaning, maintenance, and tenant turnover is reduced, resulting in lower management costs. This strategy allows for a more hands-off approach, especially if you have reliable tenants.
  3. Attracting remote workers and expatriates: Tulum has become a magnet for digital nomads, remote workers, and expatriates seeking a tranquil yet vibrant environment. Long-term rentals can attract these demographics, who often prefer longer stays and are willing to pay for comfortable and well-located properties.

Challenges of Long-Term Rentals

  1. Lower rental rates compared to short-term: While long-term rentals offer stability, the rental rates are typically lower than short-term rates. This trade-off can impact the total revenue generated by your properties in Tulum.
  2. Longer vacancy periods: Finding the right tenant for a long-term rental can take time, leading to potential periods of vacancy. However, this risk can be mitigated by offering competitive rates and appealing amenities.
Interior design that enhances the rental income of properties in Tulum

Market Trends and Target Audience for Properties in Tulum

To choose the right rental strategy, it's essential to understand the market trends and target audience in Tulum:

  1. Short-Term Rentals: The primary audience for short-term rentals includes tourists, vacationers, and event attendees. These guests often seek unique, well-located properties that offer a blend of comfort and local flavor.
  2. Long-Term Rentals: Long-term rentals cater to digital nomads, remote workers, retirees, and local professionals. This audience is typically looking for a stable living environment with reliable internet, comfortable living spaces, and access to local amenities.

Rental demand for properties in Tulum has shown strong growth, with both short-term and long-term rental markets thriving. Short-term rentals benefit from high tourism demand, especially during the winter months when tourists flock to escape colder climates. Meanwhile, the long-term rental market is expanding, thanks to the increasing number of remote workers, digital nomads, and expatriates seeking a long-term stay.

Comparing Revenue Potential: Short-Term vs. Long-Term Rentals

When choosing between short-term and long-term rental strategies, understanding the revenue potential for each is crucial. Let’s look at an example of a fully equipped 50 m2 studio at our real estate development 525 Tulum.

Revenue Potential of Short-Term Rentals

A well-located studio in Tulum, marketed on platforms like Airbnb and, commands rates of $100–$120 per night during peak season (December to March) and rates of $60-$80 during off-season (July to October). During peak season, the average occupancy rate might be around 80%, while in the off-season, it could drop to around 60%.

  • Peak Season Income (4 months):
    $100 per night x 80% occupancy x 30 days/month x 4 months = $9,600
  • Off-Season Income (8 months):
    $70 per night x 60% occupancy x 30 days/month x 8 months = $10,080
  • Total Annual Income: $19,680

This estimate highlights the potential to earn up to $19,680 annually with a short-term rental strategy, assuming competitive pricing and effective marketing. The net income will be lower after accounting for property management fees, which are typically higher for short-term rentals due to the increased workload of frequent guest check-ins, cleanings, and maintenance. These fees can range from 20% to 30% of the rental income, significantly impacting the net earnings compared to long-term rentals, where management fees are generally lower (around 10% of the rental income).

Revenue Potential of Long-Term Rentals

Alternatively, the same studio rented on a long-term lease might fetch between $900 and $1,200 per month, appealing to digital nomads, remote workers, and local professionals.

  • Monthly Income: $1,000 (average)
  • Annual Income: $1,000 x 12 months = $12,000

With a long-term rental, the income is more predictable and less affected by seasonal changes. Additionally, property management fees are typically lower, making the net income more stable and less impacted by operating costs.

In summary, while short-term rentals may offer higher potential income, they also come with higher property management fees and increased management demands. Long-term rentals provide stable and predictable income with lower management costs.

A functional kitchen that enhances the rental income of properties in Tulum

Operational Considerations for Each Strategy

Short-Term Rentals: Managing short-term rentals involves high turnover, regular cleanings, and ongoing guest communication. Many owners hire property managers or use professional services to handle bookings, maintenance, and guest interactions.

Long-Term Rentals: Long-term rentals require less day-to-day management. However, establishing clear lease agreements, performing regular property maintenance, and maintaining a good relationship with tenants are crucial to reducing turnover and vacancies.

Hybrid Approach: Combining Short-Term and Long-Term Rentals

A hybrid strategy involves using both short-term and long-term rentals to maximize income. For example, you could rent your property short-term during the high season and switch to a long-term rental during the off-season. This approach can balance income while reducing vacancies. However, it requires careful planning and management.

Choosing the right rental strategy for investment property in Tulum depends on your financial goals, property characteristics, and market conditions. While short-term rentals offer higher income potential during peak seasons, long-term rentals provide stable, predictable cash flow. A hybrid approach may offer the best of both worlds, balancing income and minimizing vacancies. Before making a decision, evaluate the market trends, target audience, and operational requirements to determine the best strategy for your property.

Ready to explore investment opportunities in Tulum? We invite you to discover our Tulum real estate and to explore different types of apartments for sale we can offer. You may want to read more about how to buy property in Tulum Mexico specifically.

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